Books, Events & More


Books & Media

As the bestselling author of 51/50: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life, Kristen learned how to turn a memoir into a career. From becoming attached as a producer on the adapted TV project to launching a story coaching and content company, Kristen discovered just how powerful one story could be. As a ghostwriter, she has written numerous bestselling books and proposals and is currently at work on her debut novel, Live Through This.

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Events & Press

For her first book, Kristen appeared on the “Today Show” with Kathie Lee, Better TV, and KTLA, and was profiled in USA Today, Marie Claire, Huffington Post amongst numerous other media. She has written for The Fix, Yahoo, Marie Claire, Huffington Post, Medium, Scary Mommy, Elephant Journal and Shondaland. She participates regularly in writing conferences and retreats and will be holding her first Storyboxing retreat in Ojai, CA this fall 2020 (pandemic allowing).